3.1 MOA graphical user interface.
3.2 MOA GUI running two different tasks.
3.3 Exercise 3.1, comparing the Naive Bayes Classifier and the Hoeffding tree.
3.4 Exercise 3.2, comparing three different evaluation methods on the same classifier.
3.5 A sigmoid function f ( t ) = 1/(1 + e −4( t − p ) /w ).
3.7 Exercise 3.4, comparing three different classifiers.
4.1 The R ESERVOIR S AMPLING sketch.
4.2 Morris’s approximate counting algorithm.
4.3 The L INEAR C OUNTING sketch.
4.4 Cohen’s counting algorithm.
4.5 The basic Flajolet-Martin probabilistic counter.
4.6 The S PACE S AVING sketch.
4.7 Example CM-sketch structure of width 7 and depth 4, corresponding to 𝜖 = 0.4 and δ = 0.02.
4.9 The C OUNT S KETCH algorithm.
4.10 Partitioning a stream of 29 bits into buckets, with k = 2. Most recent bits are to the right.
5.1 Managing change with adaptive estimators. Figure based on [ 30 ].
5.2 Managing change with explicit change detectors for model revision. Figure based on [ 30 ]
5.3 Managing change with model ensembles.
6.1 Evaluation on a stream of 1,000,000 instances, comparing holdout, interleaved test-then-train, and prequential with sliding window evaluation methods.
6.3 The Hoeffding Tree algorithm.
6.5 Gaussian approximation of two classes. Figure based on [ 199 ].
6.6 Active learning framework.
6.7 Variable uncertainty strategy, with a dynamic threshold.
6.8 MOA graphical user interface.
7.1 The Weighted Majority algorithm.
9.1 The k -means clustering algorithm, or Lloyd’s algorithm.
9.2 The D EN -S TREAM algorithm.
9.3 The MOA Clustering GUI tab.
9.4 Evolving clusters in the GUI Clustering tab.
10.1 Example of an itemset dataset.
10.3 A general stream pattern miner with batch updates and sliding window.
10.4 The W IN G RAPH M INER algorithm and procedure C ORESET .
10.5 The A DA G RAPH M INER algorithm.
11.4 Integration of OpenML with MOA.
11.5 Parallelism hint in SAMOA .
12.1 The MOA Graphical User Interface.
12.2 Options to set up a task in MOA.
12.4 Visualization tab of the MOA clustering GUI.
13.1 Rendering of learning curves of two classifiers using